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Old Sep 12, 2007, 11:55 PM // 23:55   #1
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Default Not purchasing GW2?

Anyone else not planning on guild wars 2?
It will require alot of things for me to buy it. This is all relative to me and my personal experience with the game, yours may differ.

First off, Starcraft, as well as Brood War, was my absolutely most favorite game ever, and Starcraft 2 is due (rumoured) in 6/7/8 months. I am assuming I will still be playing it when Guild Wars 2 is to be released.
While on that note, Starcraft came out in 1998 and still blows the absolute crap out of the cut scenes and cinematics in Guild Wars.
In addition, throughout my time on Guild Wars, 21 months now, I have noticed significant problems and issues and even though many are fixed and corrected, new ones always come up.

Significant problems and issues you say!?!?!?
Yea. Its my personal experience so I wont go into detail, lets just say there were moments in this game where I did not enjoy things.

Continuing on to a broader spectrum...(still with problems and issues)

When I first bought prophicies it was the most amazing game I had played to date. Pre searing was beautiful and I remember hearing about this far away city called Lions Arch, full of hustle and bussle (hehe). Oh how I wished I could visit this ocean port full of sunshine.

Everyone played missions with 4/4, 6/6, and 8/8 REAL Players.
Although this did make the game somewhat frusterating at times, I did enjoy it much more than hero/hench like 95% of the pve that is now this game.

I remember first coming out of the shiverpeaks and was estatic when I hit the ocean on the beach doing the mission Gates of Kryta.

I was now hooked, and bought every game Anet made.
Factions sucked, beat it with 1 character and really got into pvp, specifically HoH.
Nightfall was alright, beat it with just 1 character again, went back to pvp.
Im still doing pve in Eye of the North (same character) and hating it. Still doing pvp.

I miss doing the quests for skills in prophicies, dearly.

Blablabla, what im saying is...
The game slowly got worse and worse but my enjoyment for Hoh and pvp stayed, thus I kept buying the new games, and it was about 90% for the new skills, and ultimatly made me realize I am putting alot of money into a game I just dont really like...

So when Guild Wars 2 comes out, I will imagine it will be just like Prophicies all over again. Amazing and addicting, before I finally realize its no longer fun.

Sorry Anet, youve lost a customer, and you have also killed role playing games for me. I will continue playing, but impatiently waiting for Starcraft 2 so I can finally move on.


This was much longer than expected....if you are to reply please dont insult me because im a pve noob or I played the game wrong or im stupid for hating it.

If anyone else feels the same do share.

And yes, there is spelling errors and grammar errors and missing apostrophys and the liking, no need to point them out. I think this format of writing would be an A+ considering some of the posts on this forum.

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Old Sep 12, 2007, 11:59 PM // 23:59   #2
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Well GW2 is still a few years away. A lot can change by computer may blow up and I decide not to get a new one, etc.

If I do get GW2, it won't be until several months after it's released. I was very disappointed with GW:EN, and don't wanna have that same disappointment again. So I'll wait a good while until after release to get it.

If I had to answer yes or no, I'd say most likely no. But again, a lot could change by then.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 AM // 00:00   #3
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ANET > BNET though.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:02 AM // 00:02   #4
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GW2 is so far away to already be planning what game you're going to shun.
I need more information about GW2 to even start making opinions about how the game might be :P
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:08 AM // 00:08   #5
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Too far to tell, but GW2 is most likely going to be next year... and will be released unfinished.. [facedesk]
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:10 AM // 00:10   #6
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Depends. Will my computer even met the system requirements for GW2? Will my personal life have that much free time? Will I be adicted to another, unreleased game (StarCraft 2, Tabula Rasa, Crysis, etc)? Will another non-pay-to-play MMO come out that copies GW's model and steal away their customers?

All depends on what's out there I suppose.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:12 AM // 00:12   #7
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Not buying. Looking into Fury, not really fond of the optional subscription system though. Pretty fun, bit laggy now, but it's still not 100% complete yet so meh. Gonna wait and see what happens with other games before deciding on one, but I'm 99.9% certain I won't be playing GW2.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:12 AM // 00:12   #8
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The OP started guildwars with neither Ranger nor Mesmer to experience groups without henchies...
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:13 AM // 00:13   #9
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Judging a game that doesn't exist yet is rather silly. I have my concerns about the design as well, speaking as someone that mostly plays with henches and heroes (and like it that way), but it'd be ridiculous to say I will or won't pick the thing up 2 years hence. Who knows what design details could change by then?
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:14 AM // 00:14   #10
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Stunning realization!

You somewhat enjoyed it, but I don't believe that you can not play a a game for 21 months and not get bored of it.

As for the issues, 200 dollars isn't worth a whole company. You yourself stated 95% PVE liked heroes better. Majority rules, same reason PVP isn't "as important" as PVE.

The reason people play games is to enjoy as they play it. Rarely people think that you might as well not play because you get bored later on.

GG, felt like flame bait anyway.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:15 AM // 00:15   #11
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first of all i doubt starcraft 2 will be released in 6/7/8 months. If you know anything about blizzard is that they take their dam sweet time to polish everything up (unlike cough* GWEN * COUGH). It will be awhile before even the beta starts and then it will take at least a couple of months of beta testing. So you're probably looking at a late 2009/2010 release for SC2. As of GW2, I would venture to guess that most people will wait and see instead of pre-ordering like we did with factions/nf/gwen. Gwen was a disappointment to some people and ANet have to prove that GW2 will be worthy of a purchase.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:27 AM // 00:27   #12
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I'll pick GW2, Starcraft 2 is for those fans, I am not one of them
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:32 AM // 00:32   #13
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I'm not buying GW2. So far it just looks like it's going to be an updated version of GW but with several features GW doesn't have atm. And if Anet still has PvE and PvP linked and the skills linked I'm not even going to consider buying GW2.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:41 AM // 00:41   #14
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I love guild wars a lot but it seems lately they been lacking a lot on a lot of stuff.

Ingame chat
Couple dancing
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:54 AM // 00:54   #15
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Originally Posted by jrk247
I'm not buying GW2. So far it just looks like it's going to be an updated version of GW but with several features GW doesn't have atm. And if Anet still has PvE and PvP linked and the skills linked I'm not even going to consider buying GW2.
Thats actually a good quote. Guild Wars is one of the most skill nerfed games i have ever heard of. To early for me to tell if i will be playing GW2 or not. I probaly will not buy it. One MMO is already too time consuming, so if an MMO i like comes out before GW2 i probaly wont get it. Hate to say it, but if they continue to adjust GW and GW2 to the casual player model, i wont buy it. Its good business for them to make the game for the casual player because they out number the hardcore players, but they lose the players that have been there through think and thin.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 12:59 AM // 00:59   #16
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Nah I'll be buying.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 01:06 AM // 01:06   #17
Wilds Pathfinder
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Originally Posted by Gattocheese
Thats actually a good quote. Guild Wars is one of the most skill nerfed games i have ever heard of. To early for me to tell if i will be playing GW2 or not. I probaly will not buy it. One MMO is already too time consuming, so if an MMO i like comes out before GW2 i probaly wont get it. Hate to say it, but if they continue to adjust GW and GW2 to the casual player model, i wont buy it. Its good business for them to make the game for the casual player because they out number the hardcore players, but they lose the players that have been there through think and thin.
Actually its one of the worst quotes and not quite thought out. Do you know how much confusion that would cause? You just get used the the pve descriptions then you go to pvp and find out that all the skills suck and then you will have to get used the pvp descriptions and its really just a mess. Seriously, pvp nerfs didn't ruin pve at all lol. Pve is still easy even with the slightly weakened skills. But guys, wait till gw2 comes out and then decide lol, you can't have your whole video game future planned out.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 01:06 AM // 01:06   #18
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From what I've read and watching in an interview with Jeff Strain, the hardcore pvp is going to be completely separate in GW2 with a more causal friendly version tied to the PVE part of the game.

As things stand now I won't have any qualms picking up the game at all when it is released. As for when that actually happens, who knows? It's far enough out that I can't say what game or type of game I'll be buying in another year or two.

As for the thought that SC2 will be better because GW2 will only be GW with some new features.. what exactly will SC2 be but SC with some new features. That the general nature of follow up games, movies, etc..

Some people will automatically by just about any follow up game title if they enjoyed the original if for no other reason to see if it is as good or not better than the one they liked in the first place. Some people won't. It's as easy as that.

There will be a LOT of people rolling right over into GW2 when it gets released. And for every person that doesn't do that, there will most likely be some new player willing to give it a try.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 01:08 AM // 01:08   #19
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I'll buy it too. I've run out of things to QQ about in this game so I'm gonna buy GW2 to scrutinize and post on forums all the problems I find. Despite that I'll still log 4,000+ hours on GW2 and love it all the same. There's a hazy line between love and hate and I think you [the OP] like GW more than you're letting on.

I suggest you buy GW2. It's inevitible that you'll become unhappy after playing the same game for 21 months and the developers can't please everyone completely.

If you've played GW one so much then there's no reason why you won't like GW2 as well because it'll take the best of GW and remove the worst. I get the feeling the opening post is, to be frank, a threat.
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Old Sep 13, 2007, 01:15 AM // 01:15   #20
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ill be buying. pftt..its a one time cheap investment
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